Become a member
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Being a member of Asset has many benefits for you as a student at Tilburg University. Examples of these benefits are:

  • A 17,5% discount on all English study books and a 10% discount on all Dutch study books purchased in our bookshop
  • Discounts on many activities organized by Asset and the Asset departments
  • Guidelines for only €3 instead of €7
  • Discounts at several partner companies such as de Dolfijn and the Gourmet Market, check them here.
  • Access to all of our career events
  • You receive mailings from companies that can help you with your future career

How to subscribe

The vast majority of all TiSEM students are members of Asset. The cost of becoming a member of Asset is only €20 per year which you can earn back quickly. For this amount, you will become a member of Asset and one or several of the Asset departments of your choice. By becoming a member you agree to the General Conditions which you can find here. We advise you to read them carefully as they contain all relevant conditions about your membership at our association.

If you want to subscribe to Asset, you can do so in two ways:

  • You can subscribe online (only when you have a valid IBAN bank account! If you don't have this you have to subscribe at room E121) via these steps. Be aware that ordering books with a discount through our webshop is only possible a day after subscribing for Asset. The reason for this is that it takes up to 24 hours to activate your account.
  • You can drop by Asset in the Esplanade building in room E121 or visit one of the Asset departments if you need help with subscribing. These departments are also situated on the first floor of the Esplanade Building.

Depending on in which country your bank is located the membership fee will be withdrawn from your bank account or you have to pay in cash. By filling out the subscription form it will become clear what applies to your situation and which further actions you have to take.

We hope we can welcome you as a new member of Asset!


Our formal events and large Asset parties are open to everyone. To register for these events you can create a non-members account on this page.