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General Questions

Some general frequently asked questions are answered on this page. If your question is not answered on this page, do not hesitate to contact us via

What is the difference between a Study Association and Student Association?

A student organization organizes social activities for all students that become a member and that study at a Research University or a University of Applied Sciences. A study associations also organizes some social activities, but only for students following a certain study program. Besides social activities, the study association also provides study support, takes care of part of the career orientation in cooperation with the University and offers opportunities for personal development.

What are the differences between Asset and a specific department?

The departments are focusing on a certain field of study. This means that the companies they have contact with suit a certain study direction. Each department is part of Asset. Asset itself focuses on generic events and services. 


Where can I find an internship, traineeship or vacancy?

As a study association, we aim to connect students and employers. We cooperate with many different organizations, from companies to government institutions. In our career platform we have over 200 internships, opportunities for student work, traineeships and vacancies for graduates. 

Check out CPT

What happens if I register for an Asset career event and do not show up?

You will be placed on the Blacklist. This means that you can not join any Asset events, unless you pay the fine for getting of the Blacklist. The fine for getting off the blacklist is €10,-.


What are the advantages of an Asset membership?

Being a member of Asset has many benefits for you as a student at Tilburg University. Examples of these benefits are:

  • Discounts on all activities organized by Asset and the Asset departments
  • Guidelines for only €3 instead of €7
  • Discounts at several partner companies, take a look at our AMC deals.
  • You can receive mailings from companies that can help you with your future career
  • You can request an Asset member card.
Become a Member

I would like to become a board member, what do I need to do for this?

All Asset associations have an application procedure for students willing to become a board member. Most of the associations change their boards once a year, but some change twice a year. Check the website of the association you are interested in to get the information you need, or contact us. The application procedure usually includes sending in your motivation letter and cv, followed by an individual conversation. Mostly students with some previous experience with committees within Asset apply, but that does not mean other students do not have a chance! Ask the current board members for more information if you consider doing a board year. 

What are the advantages of becoming an active member?

As an active member you develop yourself by getting familiar with organizing activies. Besides those practical issues, becoming active is fun! You will get to know a lot of your fellow students and you can join all the parties Asset organizes.

When can I become an active member of Asset?

Anytime you want! Most committees have a fixed starting month, but there are also many committees that continuously accept new members. Information about the period of the committee is available in the committee overview. Most students become active in their second year of study, but of course you can also become active in your first year already or when you are a (pre)master student.

Is there an application procedure?

No (there are some exceptions), you send an email to and then you will be contacted for an appointment, without any obligations. You can also find more information about becoming active here.

How to subscribe for Asset?

To subscribe to Asset, click here.

What is the difference between passive and active membership?

Active members organize activities and events and work on other affairs related to the goals of the study association, so that the students can be helped in the best possible way. When you are a passive member, you do not have to do anything but you do have the advantages of discount Asset offers (for example: book discount at the WO4you and a discount on the guidelines) and you will be updated about everything Asset offers like open events.

How to unsubscribe for Asset?

To unsubscribe, you can send an email to Your unsubscription will then be finalized as soon as possible. You will get a confirmation mail when this is done.
IMPORTANT: deadline for unsubscription is October 1. If you send an email after this date, you are too late and you will have to pay the membership fee for the academic year, which started at the preceding September 1. Your membership will then be canceled on October 1 the year after.

Can international students become active as well?

Yes. Most associations of Asset are perfectly accessible for non-Dutch speaking students. The only requirement is that you speak English. There is already a small group of international students who are active members and this usually works out well. For some functions it is required to speak Dutch, but this will be mentioned in the committee overview.

Do I need to live in Tilburg to become active member?

This is not required, but it is will make some things easier for you, for example when there are drinks, activities at night and when you are teambuilding with your fellow committee members. Getting to know other active members can help you finding a nice room in Tilburg. 

Costs and payments

What does it cost to be a member?

You have to pay 20 euros a year to be a passive member of Asset. In case you want to join a committee and to become an active member, no extra costs are involved.

How can I pay for my Asset membership?

Depending on whether your country is located in the SEPA area or not determines whether the membership fee will be withdrawn from your bank account or you have to pay in cash. If your country is outside the SEPA area you have to come by at the Asset room E121 to pay your membership in cash. You can find a list of SEPA countries over here.

What to do if you paid the membership fee but if you already unsubscribed to Asset?

When this is the case, please send an email to: The people responsible for the administration and finance will work on it, and handle your case as quickly as possible.

IMPORTANT: deadline for unsubscription is October 1. If you send an email after this date, you are too late and you will have to pay the membership fee for the academic year, which started at the preceding September 1.

What to do if you didn’t pay the membership fee, but you are subscribed to Asset?

You have to make sure to fill in the SEPA-form or pay in cash at the rooms (if you are an international student, outside the SEPA-countries). Otherwise you will be unsubscribed from Asset, and you won’t be able to receive all the benefits Asset has to offer you.

IMPORTANT: deadline for unsubscription is October 1. If you send an email after this date, you are too late and you will have to pay the membership fee for the academic year, which started at the preceding September 1.

How do I pay for the events I joined?

The payment process differs per event, you will receive sufficient information about the payment process. Smaller events can be paid in cash at the rooms in the Esplanade building.

What is the Blacklist?

If you have registered for an Asset event and did not cancel your registration on time, left early or failed to show up, you will be put on the Asset blacklist. This means that you will not be able to attend formal Asset events until you have paid the fine of €10,-. 

Choosing a department

I have not chosen a direction in my bachelor. Can I still become active?

Of course! If you are interested in becoming an active member, please send an e-mail to: We will make an appointment with you to see where your interests lay and which committee will be a good fit for you. 

Is it always possible to switch between different departments?

Yes, if you decide to switch studies or start your master, you can always become a member (both active and passive) at another department. Indicating which department you want to be a member of, has the advantage of getting all relevant information regarding the events, internships, etc. for your studies!


I am not a member, can I still come to events?

For our Asset wide events: yes! Everyone is welcome at our big Asset parties. However, ticket prices are usually higher for non-members than they are for members. Furthermore, our formal events are also open to everyone. 

For events at the different departments: it differs. There are sometimes events that are only available for active members.